It is probably difficult to find a person who would have never heard of proxy. We are talking about servers, which are a kind of intermediary between the user and the World Wide Web. Due to the running process, a few computers have the access to a particular area simultaneously. Usually, proxies work directly on behalf of user processes. They allow you to obtain the necessary amount of information from the areas, where under normal circumstances it is not possible to request for any actions. That is, proxies actually open up completely new possibilities for the users.
Forwarding proxy
It allows the customers, belonging to the same security area, to perform requests for data from completely different areas. That is, in fact it turns out that the user is located within the network, while the server, to which the request is addressed, is outside. Such proxies allow you to create effective protection due to the fact that they hide the names of the workstations. Besides, the process itself, which is requested by a user, can be hidden. Often forwarding options of proxy are also used in order to make some other aspects of client session confidential.
Transparent proxy
It is all about the fact that such a server does not disclose information relating to the fact that it works as a part of a corporate network. Everything is performed in a fairly straight involuntary form. Transparent proxy is able to regularly capture absolutely all the content by a previously approved protocol for a specific part of the network. The interesting is that the presence of such proxy is not known to the user process. That is, it can be concluded that the appeal is carried out not to proxy, but to a network node of interest. As for the real appeal, it is possible directly through the transparent proxy.
Security proxy
This model is significantly different from the others. The proxy ensures the implementation of security policies. It is able to consistently engage in processing requests that are linked to user authorization and authentication. Security proxy can function even as a mediator during certain processes. That is, all activities that relate to authentication and authorization of new users, will be controlled by security proxy. After that, the so-called security mandate is sent alongside with a request to the destination servers. It is necessary to remember one important detail. It consists in the fact that before the transfer of information in this way, it is necessary to perform appropriate settings on the destination server. That is, its configuration should allow the implementation of processes with security proxy.
Caching proxy
Another type of proxy which aims to re-save data images that are transmitted by the user, if there is a possibility. It would be nice to examine the operation of cashing proxy on a specific example. Usually, the main pages of the vast majority of the resources are not changed for quite a long time period. Thus, in order not to load them every time, proxy directs to the client the image itself, which is located in the storage. In the case when the information on the server is updated, its reception, and then re-saving is performed.
The above classification of servers is considered quite reasonable. Having studied it in detail, the user will be able to understand what kind of proxy server would be the most optimal option. Each proxy has its own abilities and is designed to perform specific functions. If you select the right server, then the result will meet all customer expectations.
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