Currently, there are quite a lot of proxies. It is not necessary to know all of them in order to ensure safe and efficient operation. You can get acquainted with the most popular ones.
HTTP proxy
Undoubtedly, it is the most common type of proxy. Its essence is to properly organize the functioning of not only the browsers themselves, but also all the processes that use http. Now it would be nice to understand what sequence of actions enables to perform respective functions. The browser sends a request to a proxy server regarding the opening of a particular URL resource. After proxy has received certain information, it passes this information to the browser or the user program. Thanks to http, there is an opportunity to exercise control over the requests listed below:
1. To cache downloaded content (pages, images, video, etc.). This will allow in future, if necessary, to get the required files from the hard disk. That is, there will be no need to access the Internet. The advantages are obvious: a significant savings of external traffic, and also the speed of opening of pages will also increase. It seems that it is pretty attractive, but in reality, such savings is measured by only a few percent.
2. To limit the possibility of visiting certain websites. For example, you may create a “black list” and deny access to the resource for absolutely all users.
3. To provide another resource, rather than one that is requested by a person. As an example, instead of giving large-scale banners with bright advertising, you can send more modest images. As a result, the download of the page will be carried out much faster. Moreover, in this way the traffic can be saved.
4. To create certain speed limits associated exclusively to individual resources or clients. As an example, you may set the minimum speed when downloading *.avi files, as a result, the excessive traffic congestion can be avoided.
5. To keep logs of the operation. Due to this function it is possible to count the traffic for a particular person, to find out information concerning the visiting of different resources.
6. Request routing. Refers to the fact that some of them will be directly transmitted to the user, while others will be transmitted through other proxies.
Advantages and disadvantages of НТТР
- quite high speed of load;
- caching of individual pages;
- enhanced control over the users, utilizing such type of proxy, is often exercised;
- works with the software exclusively through the protocol НТТР;
- actual IP-address of the client can be transmitted in the headings of the request, which does not allow to call such type of proxy anonymous.
Basically, these are the main pros and cons of НТТР proxy, if to consider the issue from the point of view of security and anonymity. Now we will talk in more detail about HTTPS proxy, which also is no less widespread.
HTTPS proxy
This version is actually the prototype of the previous one, but still there are some differences. The symbol “S” means “secure”, i.e. protected. These proxies are used in case when it is necessary to transmit any confidential information. If to use HTTP for this purpose, there is a high possibility that the attacker will manage to intercept the information. For example, even Internet provider can gain access to this data, after which it prolongs absolutely all user activity. That is why it is better to use HTTPS, since all traffic that is sent is previously encrypted and it is practically impossible to hack it.
So which working principle is observed here? First, proxy server establishes a connection with the resource, and then a traffic encryption algorithm is created. This method completely eliminates the possibility to find out what data are transmitted over HTTPS. In addition, the proxy itself directly takes no part in processes such as encryption and decryption, respectively.
All these functions are assigned to the client program. It can be concluded that HTTPS proxies carry out passive sending of anonymous data and does not engage in any of their processing. Thanks to this method, it is possible to transfer all types of TCP protocols. Therefore, HTTPS can be considered as a much more effective proxy option, rather than the usual HTTP.
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